Lactic Casein Natural Protein Polymers for Technical Applications.

Catalog Number Q123

Though commonly regarded as the principal protein in milk, casein is actually a colloidal aggregate composed of several identifiable proteins together with phosphorous and calcium. It occurs in milk as a heterogeneous complex called calcium caseinate.

It is a white, tasteless, odorless, hydroscopic, amorphous solid.

CAS Number 9005-46-3
Application Natural Protein Polymers for technical applications is a high quality grade of casein prepared by acid precipitation of milk. This casein protein polymer may be used in a variety of industries including: Cheesemaking, food and feeds, dietetic preparations, flooring compounds, plastic items, paper coating, textile sizing and fibers, leather, water-dispersed paints for interior use, adhesives (specially for wood laminates) and binder in foundry sands. In the paint industry its chief application is distempers, where it is applied as a colloidal suspension of calcium caseinate. Which becomes insolubilized by drying out and by carbonation. For other end uses, casein is insolubilized by formaldehyde.
Technical Data
 Moisture (max)  12%
 Ash (max)  3.5%
 Solubility  Complete 15% Borax
 Viscosity  1000-3500 cps (15% T.S. @ 25 °C)
 Mesh  90 mesh.
Packaging & Handling Our Lactic Casein is packed in 25 Kg bags. Bulk bags available on request.
Keep in a cool dry area.
Remarks Stable when kept dry but deteriorates rapidly when damp.

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